Biological diversity in a global community - small cetaceans and marine protection in Brazil and Sweden

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The Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management is glad to invite you working with management, monitoring, research and outreach related to small cetaceans and marine protected areas. Its an online seminar with emphasis on dialogue.

About the event

Brazil and Sweden have for several years had a collaboration about the monitoring of marine mammals, with focus on mapping of the endangered Franciscana dolphin in the south of Brazil. The Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management together with our partners in Sweden and Brazil are currently working to define the next steps in this collaboration, which is also expected to include marine protected areas. Going forward, how can we shape the cooperation taking into consideration both countries’ knowledge and experiences with porpoises, small cetaceans and marine protection? Which directions and themes are relevant for the cooperation in order to address the needs of marine life? These are two of the questions that the seminar will address.

We invite you to a online seminar with emphasis on dialogue on 17 November 2022. The aims of the seminar are to exchange knowledge and experiences from both countries about porpoises, other small cetaceans and marine protection, as well as to identify relevant themes for the future collaboration. The seminar will be held in English.

Organisers: Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management in partnership with Jonsered Manor – Gothenburg University’s meeting place for cooperation, and the University of the Joinville Region in Brazil.

Read more about the collaboration with Brazil here


17 November 2022

Time and place

  • 13.00-17.00 Swedish time (CEST), 09.00–13.00 Brazilian time (BRT)
  • This is an online workshop. A link will be made available later to those who register.


For you working with management, monitoring, research and outreach related to small cetaceans and marine protected areas.








Check-in opens


9.00 -9.30

Welcome and introduction

13.30 - 14.30

9.30 - 10.30

Theme 1: Monitoring and management of marine mammals in Sweden and Brazil

Monitoring and management of marine mammals in Swedish waters, Susanne Viker and Karl Norling, Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management, Sweden

Effects of an unusual foraging specialisation in a dolphin population, Alexandre Machado, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil

Population monitoring and implementation of bycatch mitigation strategies for the endangered franciscana dolphins, Renan Paitach, Univille, Brazil

14.30 - 14.45

10.30 - 10.45


14.45 - 15.45

10.45 -11.45

Theme 2: Marine protected areas in Brazil and Sweden

Small dolphin long term research and marine protected area: A case study of Sepetiba Bay-Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Leonardo Flach, Institute Boto Cinza, Brazil

Small cetaceans as sentinels of a World Heritage Site in Paraná, southern Brazil, Camila Domit, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil

Marine protected areas in Sweden – an introduction, Jenny Hertzman, Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management, Sweden

The management of a 1 million hectare protected area – a case study, Alexandra Colbing, County Administrative Board of Gotland, Sweden

Fisheries conservation measures with the aim to protect the harbour porpoise in Swedish marine waters, Lena Tingström, Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management, Sweden

15.45 - 16.00

11.45 - 12.00


16.00 - 16.45

12.00 - 12.45

Theme 3: Ocean literacy, stakeholder engagement and outreach

The NGO role in the conservation of the Baltic harbour porpoise, Ida Carlén, Swedish Society for Nature Conservation, Sweden

The role of long-term studies for conservation: a case with bottlenose dolphins in southern Brazil., Pedro Fruet, Federal University of Rio Grande, Brazil

Challenges for stakeholder engagement and the importance of strategic communication for franciscana dolphin conservation, Marta Cremer, Univille, Brazil

16.45 - 17.00

12.45 - 13.00

Summary and next steps


Published: 2022-09-29