Nordic Water Framework Directive Conference

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Implementation of the Programmes of Measures in surface and groundwater – successes and difficulties in the Nordic countries.

About the conference

A two-day Nordic meeting and seminar was held in Gothenburg the 25 - 26 September 2024, Sweden, with varying themes for the implementation of the EU:s water framework directive, WFD. The specific purpose of the conference was to exchange knowledge and experience regarding difficulties and opportunities in implementing measures within the framework of the WFD.


  • Day 1 was open for all stakeholders that are involved with the implementation of the WFD and open for web-link participation
  • Day 2 and the Working Groups were intended for specialists working directly with implementing the Water Framework Directives in the Nordic Countries and not open for web-link participation

Implementation of the Programmes of Measures in surface and groundwater – successes and difficulties in the Nordic countries

Introduction and National overviews

Implementation of measures – successes and difficulties

Day 1


Hydromorphological measures

Eutrophication measures


Environmentally hazardous substances


Summary Pdf, 495 kB. of topics and discussions from day 1. What are we bringing with us to day2?

Discussion in Working Groups

List of suggested topics/issues to discuss under each WG (where applicable):

  • Prioritization of measures, cathment and pressure aspects
  • Financing of measures
  • Consideration of HMWB and exemptions in regards to measures
  • Measures in relation to public participation
  • Monitoring and reporting of measures


Day 2


WG1 - Hydromorphology (Lead country – Norway and Iceland)

  • Measures, physical and flow restoration, nature-based climate adaptation, HMWB and exemptions.
  • Lead country out-line specific agenda together with contact person from each country for the WG (to be announced)


WG2 - Eutrophication (Lead country – Sweden)

  • Measures, agriculture and waste water, groundwater, HMWB and exemptions)
  • Lead country out-line specific agenda together with contact person from each country for the WG (to be announced)


WG3 - Environmentally hazardous substances in surface and groundwater (Lead country – Denmark)

  • Measures, existing and previous industry, groundwater, exemptions)
  • Lead country out-line specific agenda together with contact person from each country for the WG (to be announced)


WG4 - New methods/technology (Lead country – Finland )

  • Monitoring and classification, information management.
  • Lead countries out-line specific agenda together with contact person from each country for the WG (to be announced)


Coffee on the run



Continued discussions in Working Groups 1 - 4

  • WG1 - Hydromorphology (Lead country – Norway and Iceland)
  • WG2 - Eutrophication (Lead country – Sweden)
  • WG3 - Environmentally hazardous substances in surface and groundwater (Lead country – Denmark)
  • WG4 - New methods/technology (Lead country – Finland)

Short presentations from the Working Groups in plenary (by Lead)


Coffee on the run


Wrap up by the organisation committé

End of meeting and goodbye

Program committee

  • Turo Hjerppe, Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), Finland
  • Sari Vaisanen, Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), Finland
  • Vincent Westberg, Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Env., Finland
  • Anders Iversen, Norwegian Environment Agency, Norway
  • Helga Gunnarsdottir, Norwegian Environment Agency, Norway
  • Hege Sangolt, Norwegian Environment Agency
  • Kirsten Vielwerth, Ministry of Climate and Environment, Denmark
  • Marianne Jensdóttir Fjeld, , Environmental Agency Iceland
  • Aðalbjörg Birna Guttormsdóttir, , Environmental Agency Iceland
  • Jenny McCarthy, Geological Survey of Sweden
  • Niklas Holmgren, The Water Authority of the South Baltic Sea Water District, Sweden
  • Anneli Harlén, Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management, Sweden
  • Jonas Svensson, Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management, Sweden
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Published: 2024-05-27
Updated: 2024-10-16