Baltic SCOPE 2015-2027

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Baltic SCOPE was a two-year, EU-funded project that focused on achieving coherence between the marine spatial plans for the Baltic Sea. Our agency was the project’s lead partner.

Why take on such a project?

  • The countries bordering the Baltic Sea are all at different stages of maritime spatial planning. By coordinating everyone’s plans, all countries can benefit from shared experiences and ensure coherence among new plans.
  • Collaboration between countries is necessary in order to resolve conflicts of interest and take advantage of opportunities for synergy.
  • Baltic SCOPE will give real planning solutions to cross-border problems as well as a template for dealing with similar issues elsewhere.
  • Marine spatial planning is an important tool for implementing the EU Integrated Maritime Policy. Planning should contribute to blue growth and support efforts to achieve good environmental status.

The way we worked

Baltic SCOPE involved mainly governmental agencies.

The project focused on two case studies in geographic areas that already had planning processes underway.

  1. Southwest Baltic case – Sweden, Denmark, Germany, and Poland
  2. Latvian case – Latvia, Estonia, and Sweden

SwAM organized a series of meetings with planners and relevant institutional actors. With them we worked in a step-by-step approach on cross-border issues such as shipping, energy, fisheries, and nature conservation.

This method equipped planners from participating countries with the ability to include transnational considerations when developed national maritime spatial plans.

The aim was to develop national marine spatial plans based upon in-depth information from neighbouring countries and with common solutions formed in joint discussions. Collaborative planning leads to greater coherence between countries’ marine spatial plans.

Who was involved?

  • The authorities responsible for marine spatial planning in six of the Baltic Sea region countries.
  • Representatives for the regional organizations HELCOM (Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission) and VASAB (Vision and Strategies around the Baltic Sea).
  • Academia through Nordregio (Nordic Centre for Spatial Development) and the Finnish Environment Institute.
Logo Baltic Scope
Published: 2015-08-04