Programme sessions

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Beyond programme sessions, there will be poster exhibitions to spread experiences on ongoing projects and current research in the marine environmental monitoring work.

The program and the agenda are presented by Pernilla Warberg. She has led several conferences and seminars for the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management throughout the years.

We are excited to once again offer an interesting as well as a full agenda under the lead of the professional Pernilla.


Thursday 9 November

09:00–10:00 Registration and coffee

Session 1




Eva-Britt Eklöf Petrusson, acting DG


Welcome address

Johan Kuylenstierna, DG


Welcome address

Daniel Westlén

State Secretary to Minister of Climate and the Environment

Introductory talk

Thomas Klein and John Tumpane

SwAM and Formas

Overview of the Conference Agenda and Objectives including Action list

Mike Elliott

Professor University of Hull and International Estuarine & Coastal Specialists Ltd., UK

Coping with the marine environmental assessment paradox – increasing demands but with decreasing resources!

John Tumpane, Mike Elliott, Helén Andersson, Thomas Rebermark

Panel discussion: How do we make the best of the resources available?

12:00 - 13:30 Lunch, posters, exhibition

Session 2




Annelie Pompe


Professional adventurer with a world record in freedive to 126m in a single breath

Mia Dahlström


New and pending needs – what do we need to know to manage the seas?

Matthias Obst

University of Gothenburg

Observation systems for monitoring marine biodiversity and change

Michael Palmgren

Marine Education Center

Need for more open real-time data, for marine literacy

Session chair: Ulrika Stensdotter Blomberg


Questions, summary and take-home messages for the Action List

15:00–16:00 Pause and Posters

Session 3




Oliver Zielinski

IOW, Warnemünde

New approaches in IOW´s long-term monitoring programme of the Baltic Sea

Erik Svensson/Sara Königson

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Detecting Bycatch of Protected Species in Monitored Gillnet Fisheries Using Machine Learning (ML) Techniques

Andrew Luke King

NIVA, Norway

Multi-platform observations and novel instrumentation for improving monitoring of biological and biogeochemical variables

Petra Philipsson

Brockman Geomatics Sweden AB

Satellite data for better understanding of ecological and biophysical ecosystem processes

Julia Winroth

University of Gothenburg

Enjoy the silence? Citizen science with hydrophones

Session chair: Susanne Eriksson


Questions, summary and take-home messages for the Action List

19.00–23:00 Food, drinks and time to talk

Friday 10 November

08:00-08:30 Coffee and mingle

Session 4




Linda Laikre/Kerstin Johannesson

University of Stockholm/University of Gothenburg

Genetic monitoring reveals threats of local extinctions

Marlene Jahnke/Pierre de Wit

University of Gothenburg

Research/management cooperation for the preservation of within-species biodiversity in the marine environment

Jonas Hentati Sundberg

Department of Aquatic Resources

Sail drones and AI can map fish, birds and hydrography

Georg Martin

University of Tartu, Estonia

Integration of some innovative aspects to the regular monitoring programme

Peter Sigray

Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm

New methods for sea floor vegetation mapping

Session chair:

Mia Dahlström


Questions, summary and take-home messages for the Action List

10:00–10:30 Coffee break

Session 5




Lasse Thorell, Louise Newman, Juha Flinkman


Efficient use of research vessels through networking

Florent Nicolas

Helcom Secretariat

Marine Environmental Monitoring in the Baltic Sea – experiences from Regional Sea Commission processes

Taavi Liblik

Tallinn University of Technology

Variability of water properties and its monitoring in the Eastern Baltic

Martin Sjöberg

IVL – Swedish Environmental Research Institute

Need for data to support the blue economy, making infrastructure available, involving “users of the ocean”

Panel Discussion: Panel Discussion: Lasse T, Louise N, Juha F, Taavi L, Helcom. (Chair: SwAM)

Barriers and enablers for increased cooperation in marine environmental monitoring

Session 6




Inger Dahlgren/Mikael Krysell


Retrospect of conference highlights

Mia Dahlström/John Tumpane

SwAM and Formas

List of outcomes – Action list

Take-home messages to Helcom/Ospar and others

Eva-Britt Eklöf Petrusson/Johan K

SwAM, Formas

Closing remarks

13:00–14.00 Lunch

Both days include poster session and exhibition.

This site will be updated ongoing prior to the conference!

Contact for questions

Published: 2023-06-15
Updated: 2023-10-24