Poster sessions

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In addition to all the interesting speakers, there will also poster exhibitors attending to spread good experiences on ongoing projects and current research in the marine environmental monitoring work.





Matthias Obst

Department of Marine Sciences, University of Gothenburg

SUBSIM - a national platform for SUBSea IMage analysis

Erik Browaldh


Seafloor Annotation Mapping Support (SEAMS) – an app to support sea-bed analysis

Björn Bergman


With its advanced measuring and sampling techniques, S/V Ocean Surveyor is a unique platform to investigate and explore the seabed

Karina Barquet

Frans Sjölander

Stockholm Environment Institute

Exploring feasibility of multi-purpose platforms

Björn Lindell


The Swedish Research Fleet - Seven Universities and authorities in Cooperation

Johan Backer

David Wolff


Reduce the amount of ghostgear in the sea with the help of smart technology

Jakob Valve

Elizaveta Mattsson

DEEP, Stockholm University

To detect or not detect – the importance of sampling frequency for meaningful phytoplankton monitoring

Robert Mars

Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde

Shallow Water Processes and Transitions to the Baltic Scale – Instrumentation for the Coastal waters

Anna Willstrand Wranne

Louise Biddle

Voice of the Ocean Foundation

Baltic Sea Ocean Observatories - two years of continuous autonomous operations, data delivery and science applications

Björn Källström

Lena Granhag

Gothenburg Marine Biological Laboratory

Combining research, citizen science and stakeholder engagement to manage marine invasive alien species

Anna Hasslow


Monitoring of by-catch of harbour porpoise

Erland Lettewall

Matthias Obst


New methods on monitoring invasive alien species

Agnes Karlsson

Caroline Raymond

Stockholm University

The value of long-term monitoring for environmental status assessment

Jakob Walve

DEEP, Stockholm University

From milligrams per litre to millions of tons: Using Swedish national monitoring data to quantify changes in Baltic Sea oxygen debt among basins and depth layers

Louise Newman

Gothenburg University

The Skagerak Facility at the University of Gothenburg

Elena Gorokova

Stockholm University

Evaluating effect-based biomarkers for contaminant monitoring in the Baltic coastal ecosystems: The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency's Effect Screening Study

Siv Huseby

Umeå Marine Sciences Center

FerryBox as a complement in the pelagic monitoring of the Gulf of Bothnia

Martin Hansson

Lena Viktorsson

Oceanographic unit, SMHI

Improved OXYGEN maps of the Baltic Sea, - using DIVAnd (Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis in n dimensions) to estimate hypoxic and anoxic areas

Magnus Wenzer

Martin Hansson

Örjan Bäck

Oceanographic unit, SMHI

SHARKtools - A new system for handling CTD-data, assuring high data quality from measurement to data delivery

Published: 2023-10-12
Updated: 2023-10-18