Physical impact on the coast - geographical data

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Geographical data from Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management about human physical impact.

Physical impact in Swedish coastal water

Physical impact in Swedish coastal waters is a project that lasted between 2017 and 2020. During the project's first two years, physical buildings and establishments, as well as activities such as dredging along the entire Swedish coast was mapped using satellite images and geographical information systems. Data were also been produced for depth and bottom substrates, in support of GIS analyses and modelling of potential impact zones.

The project is a first part of the work to get an overall picture of how the coast is affected by man-made structures. It is important to be able to choose the right measures and to improve the condition of the coastal water environment. This is needed to achieve environmental goals adopted by the Swedish parliament.

The data consists of five major subsets from the project that have received a distribution permit.

More about physical impact on the coast in Sweden.


Free use according to CC0.

Map services and download

Amount of info­rm­ationGeo­graphical dataData document­ation

Delivery Description SwAM report 2020:12, Appendix

Present and hist­orical mappingDownloadDownload

C1 Pdf, 5.2 MB., C4 Pdf, 640.1 kB., C5 Pdf, 847.2 kB.

Coll­ected excisting dataDownloadDownload

C1 Pdf, 5.2 MB.

Wave expo­sureDownloadDownload

E4 Pdf, 320.9 kB.

Bottom disturb­ancesDownloadDownload

C1 Pdf, 5.2 MB., C2 Pdf, 2.6 MB., C3 Pdf, 692.7 kB., C8 Pdf, 1.6 MB.

Impact zonesDownloadDownload

SwAM report 2020:12


Impact zones and other analysis results should not be used to determine the risk of impact within each individual analysis pixel (10 meters x 10 meters).

Collected data and mapped objects have a resolution corresponding to the property map (usable in scale 1:10 000) and spatial analysis and quantifications found in the delivery have a corresponding resolution (10 meters per pixel), but due to uncertainties both in some data and in analytical methods, the results should be used on a more comprehensive scale. The reliability of the analysis is assessed as good on a scale that includes, for example, the average value per water body or local environment (bay, bay and so on), and quite good when estimating the risk of impact on the scale hectares (100 meters x 100 meters). On a finer scale, for example 10 meters x 10 meters, the results are not useful through direct overlays or the like.

  • Ingemar Andersson
  • Analyst
  • Tel: +46 (0)10-6986246
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  • Ingemar Andersson
  • Analyst
  • Tel: +46 (0)10-6986246
  • Vill du skicka e-post? Öppna ditt e-postprogram, skriv personens förnamn.efternamn (med punkt mellan namnen) och lägg till adressen
Published: 2021-10-21