News about Memfis 19 October 2023

Real-time monitoring to meet management needs

Changes in the ocean landscape are happening at a very fast pace. Mia Dahlström, SwAM, therefore means it is urgent to monitor these changes and develop the marine management accordingly.


Mia Dahlström, Dr, Operational Strategist Marine Management. Photo: Natalie Greppi.

What does the ocean mean to you?
On a personal note, being near or on the sea really does make me happier. I believe everybody has a piece of water that is “theirs” and which make them happier and more content. The ocean is also powerful, beautiful, mysterious and vast.

What human-caused effects or changes have you seen in the ocean over the years?
The most pronounced effect in my home waters – the stretch of the coast that is the southern archipelago of Gothenburg – is that there is no fish to catch anymore. As a child I used to catch whiting, cod, haddock and plaice in very near coastal waters easily.

The MEMFIS conference is about marine environmental monitoring – why/how/what is that important from your point of view?
The changes we are facing in the ocean landscape are happening at a very fast speed. We need to be able to monitor these and develop the marine management accordingly.

How does you/your work contribute to more effective environmental monitoring in the sea? What will you talk about at the conference?
I will mostly focus on the need for effective monitoring, sometimes real-time monitoring and on different spatial scales to meet management needs now and in the near future.

With the future in focus – how can we give back to nature by sharing and caring?
Save the sea:

  • Mind your carbon footprint and reduce energy
  • Make safe and sustainable seafood choices
  • Use fewer plastic products
  • Help take care of the beach
  • Travel the ocean responsibly
  • Educate yourself about oceans and marine life

Name: Mia Dahlström
Title: Dr, Operational Strategist Marine Management
Key achievements: I am pleased that in my career I have managed to be first in research then in marine and fisheries management and then back to research and then back to marine management again.
Favorite water place and why? Southern archipelago of Gothenburg and particularly Svinholmarna which are small islets in the inlet to Gothenburg. They have a very rich flora of plants and herbs that a typical for this coastal area and a rich fauna despite being so close to the Port of Gothenburg.

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Published: 2023-10-19