News about Memfis 7 September 2023

Listen to Matthias Obst at MEMFIS

Meet one of our speakers at the MEMFIS conference: Matthias Obst, who is fascinated by all the secrets in the ocean. He has many strings on his bow, specialising in marine and benthic ecology and marine conservation biology – amongst other things.

porträtt Matthias Obst

Matthias Obst

What does the ocean mean to you?
– I’ve always wanted to be close to the ocean. Why? because its full of secrets. One can’t see below the surface and therefore one has to use one’s imagination.

What human-caused effects or changes have you seen in the ocean over the years?
– I study long term effects, for example by comparing what species we have in our oceans today compared to hundred years ago. We can use museum collections for such comparisons. One trend we have observed in Swedish waters is a tremendous loss of rare species.

The MEMFIS conference is about marine environmental monitoring – why/how/what is that important from your point of view?
– Marine monitoring is and will be key for sustainable use of our oceans. Just imagine trying to treat a patient without knowing what causes the condition.

How does you/your work contribute to more effective environmental monitoring in the sea? What will you talk about at the conference?
– I will talk about new ways to monitor the biodiversity in the ocean. I develop automated observation systems for biological diversity in the sea, spanning from molecular sensors (i.e., genomic observatories) to human sensors (i.e., citizen science).

With future in focus – how can we give back to nature by sharing and caring?
– We should do everything we can to make sure the ocean remains healthy and we should act as exemplarily as possible. We should also explore new lifestyles which are compatible with oceanic health.

Name: Matthias Obst
Title: Researcher, docent
Key achievements: Building infrastructure for biodiversity research
Favourite water place and why: Marine stations are magic – wherever they are. My favourites are Kristineberg, Tjärnö, Bornö, Klubban and Roscoff…, I could go on for a while.

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Published: 2023-09-07