Supporting material

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SwAM is assisted the Swedish Government with supporting material for the UN’s Ocean Conference and SDG 14 of the 2030 Agenda 2017. We prepared information for the partnership dialogues and voluntary commitments tied to the conference, as well as synthesis reports on marine litter and eutrophication.

Deliveries to the government

Prior to the UN’s preparatory conference in New York on 15–16 February, 2017 the Government Offices of Sweden requested supporting material for seven different thematic areas. In February SwAM delivered compilations in seven sub-areas. We have adapted the material for the partnership dialogues that were decided on 15–16 February 2017 and added two more compilations:

In order to limit the workload in developing this material, we focused primarily on assessing the current situation as well as on national and regional efforts.

During the course of the work, we collaborated with the following agencies when possible

The Swedish Institute for the Marine Environment has also contributed with expertise.

In addition to the supporting material for the partnership dialogues, we have requested two synthesis reports from the Swedish Institute for the Marine Environment. One focuses on actions against marine eutrophication with a special focus on society’s driving forces Pdf, 5.1 MB.. The other one addresses measures against marine litter in small island developing states (SIDS). Pdf, 5.2 MB.

We have also commissioned a report from the IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute on good initiatives in the Swedish business sector that support SDG 14 of 2030 Agenda.

Here you can read the full report: Initiatives in Swedish private sector for SDG 14 Pdf, 11 MB.

SwAM- summaries of the HMI and IVL-reports

Published: 2017-05-09
Updated: 2018-08-10