Proposals for measures to protect cod in Swedish waters
Upon assignment of the Swedish government, the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management together with the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, has compiled a memo with proposals for management measures, beyond restriction of cod fisheries, that could contribute to the recovery and protection of cod stocks in Swedish waters.
The poor status of cod stocks around Sweden has led to extensive restrictions on fisheries in many areas. In spite of this, problems for cod stocks persist. This has been particularly evident for the cod in the eastern Baltic, with poor growth rates, bad condition and high natural mortality. The critical situation for the cod stocks highlights a need to investigate if there are any additional measures, besides limiting cod fisheries, which could contribute to the recovery of cod in Swedish waters.
The memo, which is in Swedish but contains a summary in English, gives an overview of current knowledge of pressures on cod stocks present in Swedish waters, as well as proposals for measures to protect these stocks. In accordance with the assignment, effects of cod fisheries are not included in the scope of the report.