Webinar: Sand mining – risks and opportunities for global sustainability
The Swedish Ocean Platform to End Poverty is inviting you to this webinar on sand mining, co-organized with SwedBio at Stockholm Resilience Centre, the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation and the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management.
Date & Time
Februari 16th. 10-12 am CET.

The Swedish Ocean Platform to End Poverty is inviting you to this webinar on sand mining, co-organized with SwedBio at Stockholm Resilience Centre, the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation and the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management.
Sand is the unsung hero of our cities. It is used in myriad ways not only to create composite materials such as concrete and glass but also behind the scenes in many industrial processes. However, the scale and pace of extraction is far beyond what can be produced responsibly and is leaving behind massive social-ecological impacts in many parts of the world. What compounds the problem is that sand and gravel are non-renewable resources in human timescales and not every kind of sand is suitable for use in the current industrial system. Join us to explore some of the challenges and issues around sand mining across the world.
Kiran Pereira’s PhD Candidate at Stockholm Resilience Centre will present on her research focusing on risks and opportunities of sand mining for global sustainability. Kiran has earlier worked as a social entrepreneur and founded SandStories.org, a platform dedicated to raising awareness of the looming sand crisis. She is the author of the book Sand Stories: Surprising Truths about the Global Sand Crisis and the Quest for Sustainable Solutions.
After Kiran, you will listen and learn from the Kenyan NGO CANCO, Community Action for Nature Conservation, and a coastal community member about their challenges and issues as well as advocacy work related to sand mining.
There will also be time for interactive exchange of reflections and views.